Feb 17, 2021
If you’ve ever considered joining the Habit Based Lifestyle Accelerator but find yourself on the fence, listen to these client testimonials. Derek Snow runs a successful dog training business in Canada and says he’s seen a 500% return on investment. Before HBL, he was trying to do everything himself and felt stuck...
Feb 15, 2021
Today on Habit Based Lifestyle, it’s lifestyle habits Friday, and we’re talking about seasons of life. No matter how bad life is, no matter how much pressure or stress you’re under, it’s a season, and seasons always come to an end. During the tough times we need to continue to sow positive seeds and water them....
Feb 10, 2021
Have you ever found yourself saying that you want to be better? Whether it’s a better businessman, marketer, father, or husband, there’s always room for improvement. Saying you want to be better is one thing, but does your schedule reflect that? Your schedule will reveal your priorities. Do you want to be better...
Feb 8, 2021
Today Jesse interviews Krista Moreland, who is 30 days into the Habit Based Lifestyle Accelerator. As the owner of KMore Macro, Krista is a macros coach for women, helping them to lose weight without the guilt and shame. Krista loves what she does, but she had hit a wall. Turning to various coaches, they all wanted her...
Feb 5, 2021
Coaching is defined as prompting or urging someone with instructions. There are a lot of coaches and coaching programs out there, but not all are created equal. Jesse points out that most coaching programs are more like motivational sessions. They're not specific to anyone, and it's done in a group environment with the...