Jan 22, 2021
Its business focus Wednesday on Habit Based Lifestyle and Jesse joins us from Facebook jail. Instead of taking a victim mentality, he shares how he was able to adapt and evolve, finding solutions and new perspectives. So, what thing is holding you back, where are you a victim, and where can you start taking responsibility? If you don’t have a vision bigger than surviving, if you have time to focus on fear and judgment, your vision is not big enough. The strength of your vision produces the strength of your actions. If you find yourself distracted by small problems, take that as an indicator that your vision is too small. The 10X rule tells you to ask yourself if you could do anything in your business what would that be, and then multiply that by 10. What are you willing to leverage to reach your goals?
Are you looking to connect with a group of like-minded habit hacking people? Join my private Facebook group along with 100's of others in my habit-based lifestyle secrets page https://www.Facebook.Com/groups/307809586529906/ where I'll be dropping daily habits, tips, and tricks every single week.
Want more information on our programs and other ways to get involved check out my website http://jesseewell.com/ or www.Habitbasedlifestyle.com